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Introduction To Hand Held Metal Detectors

As the name suggests, these are the devices used to detect weapons, explosives, or some metal products which may be hidden inside bags. Hand Held Metal Detectors HHMD are widely used for public security check at airports, courts, banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. When the Door Frame Metal Detectors alarm finds possible metal objects, then the accurate location of such hidden objects can be found using Hand Held Detector Machine . They are used to scan the human body to find possible hidden objects which can be threat to public premises. Hence, this is a very important product to keep the premises tight on security.

Benefits And Applications Of Hand Held Metal Detectors:

Most common use of Hand Held Detector Machines is for security purpose. It is used at the entrance of any premises to detect hidden metal in any objects. It is used to scan human body for detecting exact location of hidden metal objects (weapon, etc.) and once the object is detected, the system alerts with alarm and further action is taken.

Hand Metal Detectors are also used in Medical Industry, as a possible replacement of X-ray machines. In case of medical surgery, if a metal piece is placed inside a human body, then a Hand Held Detector Machine can easily detect its exact location without going under X-Ray radiations. Hand Held detectors are compact, light-weight and portable which makes it preferred over X-ray in some areas.

Due to its unique characteristics, Hand Held Metal Detectors are preferred to be used in Food Processing Industry. Now, as most of the industry has gone in automation mode, it has become evident that some checks at manual level are made. Here, the Hand Held Metal Detectors are used to detect the fragments of metals inside the food packaging, so as to avoid any contamination.

They are used for geological research to help researchers find metallic composition of soil. Apart from that, Hand Held Detector Machines are also used for archaeological exploration to find the metallic items which have historic significance. Sometimes, they are also used as the detecting tool to find the lost items like piece of jewelry, etc.

High Level Features Of Hand Held Metal Detectors:

  • Highly sensitive and gives accurate results
  • Fast scanning rate with instant alertsc
  • Anti-skid grip makes it easy to hold
  • In-built Battery Charger.
  • Detects all metal objects.
  • Simple and convenient to use.


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